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TITLE  MegaMatcher Released
DATE  2005-04-03 COUNT   9523

 On March 31, 2005, Neurotechnologija has released MegaMatcher - a technology for developing a large-scale Automatic Biometric Identification System. MegaMatcher has a set of specific features, which make it very attractive for large-scale AFIS developers:

* Reliability. New fingerprint identification algorithm, specially developed for large scale AFIS applications, is tolerant not only to fingerprint rotation, translation, but also to it deformation. These and other special features allow MegaMatcher to achieve significantly improved reliability for AFIS related applications in respect of VeriFinger and FingerCell algorithms.

* Matching speed. MegaMatcher is able to match up to 60,000 fingerprints per second using stand-alone PC. The matching speed could be significantly increased by using the PC cluster.

* MegaMatcher includes computer cluster software for performing parallel matching, which allows to reach high productivity and efficiency:
- The effective matching speed increases proportionally to the number of cluster's nodes and can be scalable to achieve necessary system performance. For example, cluster with 10 nodes is able to match up to 600,000 fingerprints per second, cluster with 100 nodes – up to 6 millions fingerprints per second etc. Such scalable architecture allows to keep high time of response if the system size became larger.
- Large number of identification requests could be processed by the cluster. Suppose, there is a database with 10 million fingerprints and a cluster of 100 nodes (PCs with 3GHz CPU). Depending on problem this cluster will be able to process from 10,000 to 50,000 requests per day with given database.
- Fast request processing. The cluster's architecture allows to scale it to archieve real-time processing of the identification request.
- The cluster is able to handle databases with practically unlimited size.
- Computer cluster is fault-tolerant, so in case of cluster element's fault, the matching speed slightly decreases, but the cluster's work remains uninterrupted.

* Megamatcher supports biometric standards: ANSI/NIST ITL-1-2000 and ANSI/INCIST 378 2004 are supported. Therefore, MegaMatcher fingerprint templates could be exported to another identification system and vice versa. Additionally, MegaMatcher supports WSQ fingerprint image storage format.

* The system allows to match rolled and flat fingerprints between themselves. Usually conventional "flat" fingerprint identification algorithms perform matching between flat and rolled fingerprints less reliably due to the specific deformations of rolled fingerprints.
MegaMatcher allows to match flat-flat, flat-rolled or rolled-rolled fingerprints with high reliability.

* MegaMatcher includes network support, as components of MegaMatcher are intended to be distributed on the network.

* Independent performance evaluation. One mode of MegaMatcher uses algorithm, which has been tested in the FpVTE 2003. After participation in FpVTE a completely new, more reliable algorithm was developed and included into MegaMatcher SDK as main algorithm.

* Effective price/performance ratio. MegaMatcher uses PC and can work with Windows and Linux OS. This configuration provides the most price/performance effective computational units for all components of the system. Therefore, developing with MegaMatcher SDK means that the system price will be relatively low for both software and hardware parts.

MegaMatcher is available as Software Development Kit, which allows developing an AFIS based on stand-alone PC or cluster of PCs. All components of MegaMatcher SDK could be used on both Windows and Linux OS.

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2  MegaMatcher Released 2005-04-03 9523
1  CeBIT 2005 2005-03-27 9869




Bruce & Brian Co., Ltd

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