We would like to inform that we've released major updates to our biometric products.
These improvements were made to the MegaMatcher 5.0 SDK and all related products:
* The new, higher-level API is designed to make it easier and faster to integrate any combination of fingerprint, face, iris and voice biometrics into identification projects – from basic applications like secure entry to national-scale projects such as voter registration that require high-speed, high-volume identification capabilities. The new API also makes it simple to switch between the local computer and the required server-side solution and enables the application to be scaled up as needed.
* The new fingerprint recognition algorithm provides up to two times higher accuracy than the previous version. Fingerprint segmentation, extraction and matching are now performend with greater precision.
* The new facial recognition algorithm offers faster face detection, improved face feature determination and emotion detection.
* Iris and voice biometrics all include algorithm updates for functionality improvement or higher recognition accuracy.
The full list of updated biometric products includes:
* MegaMatcher 5.0 SDK:
- multi-biometric SDK for large-scale applications;
- matches up to 200,000 fingerprint, face or iris records per second, or 8,000 voice print records per second on a single matching server;
- may be scaled up with optionally included cluster software to increase the performance;
- client-side components included for developing client applications on Windows, Android, Linux and Mac OS X;
- server-side components included for developing high-volume web systems that perform fast biometric template extraction, fingerprint segmentation and face token image creation on servers.
* MegaMatcher Accelerator 7.0:
- multi-biometric software and hardware server side matching solution for national-scale systems;
- matches 100 million fingerprint or faces per second, or 200 million irises per second on a single unit;
- may be scaled up by connecting additional MegaMatcher Accelerator 7.0 units for even higher performance and capacity.
* MegaMatcher on Card 3.3 SDK:
- multi-biometric matching on a smart card;
- match on card provides security and privacy, as the biometric data never leaves the smart card;
- fingerprint, face and iris modalities supported.
* Single biometrics SDKs for Windows, Android, Linux and Mac OS X:
- VeriFinger 7.0 SDK – fingerprint identification;
- VeriLook 5.5 SDK – facial identification;
- VeriEye 2.8 SDK – iris identification;
- VeriSpeak 2.1 SDK – speaker recognition via voiceprint identification.
30-day trials of MegaMatcher 5.0 SDK and MegaMatcher Accelerator 7.0 Development Edition are available for download.